Refund & Withdrawal policy
It is the responsibility of each student to familiarize themselves with the policies, available on the schools website, outlining withdrawal and refund procedures.
Students considering withdrawing from a course or program are advised to formally consult with their program coordinator, in writing, denoting their intentions.
Note: Not attending classes or notifying only your professor or program coordinator of your intent to withdraw are NOT acceptable methods for formally withdrawing from a class or program.
Course, class and program fees are non-refundable. You may request a withdrawal for special circumstances with the Special Circumstances Withdrawal form. You must contact your program coordinator to obtain the form and discuss withdrawal circumstances, supporting documentation for your claim may be requested.
Fees paid for the current semester, regardless of completion, status or circumstances will be held as well as a $300.00 withdrawal fee.
Withdrawal before the start of classes:
The same rules apply, even if classes have not yet begun. If circumstances arise and you are unable to attend the class or program, you must apply for a withdrawal and seek approval from your program coordinator. If there is less than 30 days until the start of the first class, you will be subject to a $300.00 withdrawal fee.
Bereavement/Medical leave:
If you have a death in your immediate family or a serious medical circumstance which will hinder your ability to finish your current class/course load and you want to postpone your education until the next available semester, you must contact your program coordinator to arrange. You may have to provide supporting documentation and can arrange a stay of academics for the following semester, provided that there is room in the program. Your tuition will be held and there is no additional fee for this.